Camera Shots- Opening shot, hand held video camera, shaky and nervous looking shots of fights, medium shots of on lookers including police. This is most likely used to show maybe a point of view account of violence and turmoil, streets seem dangerous and uncontrollable.
-Establishing shot of the city scape, quality is bad, but on purpose, again maybe to show first hand experiences.
-Many dolly shots are used during the opening sequence, a continuous use of point of view, we see more and more of the city and the lives of the two characters. Mostly medium/close up shots used.
Character Types - Older wise man, seems like he knows what hes doing and what he wants. Looks like he has respect or a reputation, maybe a bad one? possibly feared by the others as they seemed scared in his presence. He might have done something in the past, could possibly be a criminal.
- Young boy who doesn't know what he wants, looking for someone to show him the way, maybe had a hard upbringing. Looks like the old man is using him for something, but this boy wants adventure.
-We then see the boy as he has grown up, obviously he has matured, but still controlled, and has desire to do something.
Setting- Set in a busy city (Chicago)
-Everyday shops, garages, and as we see the boy in his older state he is training on a US military ground. Shows he has gone from a very ordinary rundown place, to a very uniformed structured living.
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