The sequence begins with the sound of an airplane, which tells us that the first few shots are set in an airport. The first thing we see is a cross cutting sequence of two men walking, we are not aware that they are linked in any way untill we see them bump into each other and drop their breifcases on the floor. A close up of the briefcases draws our attention to them, and we see the characters purposely pick up a different breifcase to what they were carrying before. This is the first enigma code raised - what's in the briefcases? and why did they swap? It also makes the audience question the identity of both characters seen in this shot.
After the briefcases were swapped, the cutting between shots became quicker. Tense eerie music also began to play in the background. This fast pace action creates tension and raises another enigma code - what is going on?
Not alot is given away about the characters identities or personalities, but due to their body language and facial expressions, we can be sure that they're determined figures on a mission of some sort.
Close ups are used alot in these opening shots, so that the location remains relatively unknown, which creates suspence. Because of how effective this technique is, i have been inspired to involve it in our group film, due to how it makes the audience question what's going on.
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