Camera work:
- Limited variation of camera work as most of the scene is a conversation between two people - the audiece is curious to know who they are is the beginning of the sequence cuts stright into the middle of their conversation - this creates an enigma code - who are they and what are thay talking about
- Series of close ups to show emotion on characters faces
- Slow tracking shot into man at the table
Closed/open narration
- Closed narration - we only see what first two characters are doing for most of the scene with little interuption - creates enigma for the audience as to what is going on outside of their section in the restaurant
- Open - we see both characters but we are closed off from the rest of the building, only see one other charcater briefly half way through
- could help with keeping to ur 180 degree rule for conversations
Character Types
- Both characters appear 'normal' at the start of the sequence, audience can't tell whether either of them (if any) are protagonists or antagonists
- At the end of the scene, the man reveals a gun and slams it onto the table, this wouls shock an audience - as they had been talking about robbery but you could never tell whether they would actually do it - the guns make the characters seem more dangerous
-Woman calm and cheerful whilst man is eccentric
- useful to us in terms of developing characters
- Gun - classic use of iconography - connotes violence
- Cigarette - associated with the 'cool' or 'bad' guy - could be an early suggestion of an antagonist
- High key lighting throughout sequence as it is a 'normal' setting within a cafe
- Both characters have shade on one side of their faces
- not much use of sound that we can learn from - as there is no use of soundtrack or obvious effects
- This sequence is useful in establishing characters - it will help us when we come to film our thriller in developing the antagonist(s)
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